Alternatives to Traditional Assessment

Wednesday, November 20, 2019 | 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm | CETLS, S510D

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Benjamin Haas (Speech, Communications, and Theatre Arts)
Maureen Matarese (Academic Literacy and Linguistics)

Laurie Lomask (Modern Languages)

How can alternatives to traditional assessments, such as exams and essays, facilitate teaching and learning for both instructors and students? In this brown bag discussion, our faculty presenters will share how they’ve incorporated alternative approaches to assessment, including micro step low-stakes assignments, ungrading, and student-centered assessment. These brief presentations will be followed by a general discussion about alternative approaches to assessment – we encourage you to bring your own ideas or practices to share with the group.

This session is part of a faculty-led “brown bag” series on pedagogy that takes place once a month in CETLS, and was organized by the CETLS Advisory Board Teaching and Learning group:

  • Suvro Banerjee (Accounting)
  • Jennifer Delfino (Academic Literacy and Linguistics)
  • Miguel Fiolhais (Sciences)
  • Ainoa Inigo (Modern Languages)
  • Catherine Mbewe (Nursing)

Each meeting will focus on a specific topic related to teaching and learning. We will discuss effective teaching strategies as well as challenges in a non-formal environment. Please bring your own lunch!


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