Our students have so much going on in their lives, and college can feel very overwhelming. By choosing to use open educational resources, I am making access to class materials more equitable and simplifying the learning experience for my students.
This past spring, BMCC wrapped up Open Teaching Week with an interactive tabling event disguised as a cupcake celebration. After learning throughout the week about how BMCC faculty practice open pedagogy and engage with open educational resources (OER), CETLS and BMCC librarians teamed up to ask students in the BMCC community, “how do you learn best?”
Before I entered the OER/ZTC world, I taught macroeconomic theory with a really good textbook that was really expensive. OER has been a win-win change in my teaching practices…and I am happy to help anyone else give it a try!
Email us at commonshelpsite@gmail.com so we can respond to your questions and requests. Please email from your CUNY email address if possible. Or visit our help site for more information: