Tuesday, April 16, 2024 | 9:00 am - 11:00 am | Fiterman Cafe
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Jamie Joseph (Social Sciences, Human Services, and Criminal Justice)
Satenik Margaryan (Social Sciences, Human Services, and Criminal Justice)
The Spring Warm-up is a series of in-person meetings designed to help us truly meet in person (Oh, wait, who was that on Zoom?) at the Fiterman Cafe and foster collaborative working groups while rekindling writing habits for a productive Hot Goal Summer.
As we may be more focused on teaching responsibilities, the goal of these warm-up sessions are “Let’s get back to our business of academic writing.” While these meetings are informal, we are happy to conduct peer reviews to support your ongoing writing progress. If you have a writing project you would like to share, please bring it with you!
This series takes place on Tuesdays, February 27, March 26, and April 16.
For more information and to RSVP, email cetls@bmcc.cuny.edu.