Friday, May 31, 2024 | 10:00 am - 11:30 am | Zoom
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CETLS and Digital Education staff
Starting in Summer 2024, Brightspace will replace Blackboard as the platform for BMCC courses. CUNY faculty already have access to Brightspace and course migration from Blackboard to Brightspace is partially complete.
Get guidance for working with your migrated course content and building courses from scratch at these lab-style Brightspace sessions, which take place every Friday at 10 am. We’ll introduce the session in the main room, then break into smaller groups in facilitated breakout rooms based on your experience with Brightspace so far and what you are most interested in working on. Each session will have at least one breakout room focused on the topic covered in that week’s CUNY training workshop. The sessions will be Q&A focused, so bring your questions!
Can’t make it to this session? You can also get help with Brightspace at our regular Faculty Hours with CETLS and Digital Education every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
For more information, email Register here and you will receive a Zoom link via email.