Community Share and Care: Course Design for Self-Care

Monday, February 8, 2021 | 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm | Zoom

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jean amaral (Library)

Most often the focus of our self-care is what we do (walks, crafts, meditation, cooking) or don’t do (reduce news consumption) in our personal lives to care for ourselves. What if we brought that focus to designing learning experiences and our courses? We’ll explore ways to center self-care, as well as care for our students, through the choices we make in our classes (e.g., grading/ungrading, assignments, days off).

Join with your colleagues to share distance learning experiences, ask questions, and support each other. Brew a cup of coffee or tea and bring your stories of what’s worked and what hasn’t.

Register here and you will receive a Zoom link via email. For more information, email


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