Introduction to Teaching on the OpenLab

Friday, October 8, 2021 | 11:00 am - 12:00 pm | Zoom

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Gina Cherry (CETLS), Tom Harbison (E-Learning), and  Syelle Graves (OER/ZTC program)

Are you looking for an online space where you and your students can create knowledge and community? In this workshop, we’ll introduce the OpenLab, BMCC’s new WordPress-based space for teaching and learning, collaborating on projects, and sharing portfolios. We’ll discuss how faculty at BMCC and CityTech have been teaching on the OpenLab and will help you get your own course started.

Please log in and set up your OpenLab profile before the workshop. You can log into the system using your BMCC credentials. Additional information about how to get started can be found here.

Register for the Zoom meeting here. For more information, email


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