Friday, March 11, 2022 | 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm | Zoom
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jean amaral, Library
Berenice Darwich, Modern Languages
Marissel Hernández Romero (Modern Languages, Alfred University) – proyecto Cortijo
Ryan Mann-Hamilton (Social Sciences, La Guardia Community College, CUNY)
Join us for Part 4 of the Re-envisioning Scholarship series in which we rethink what counts for research in tenure and promotion, and explore whether our current conceptions of research reflect our values. Our panelists will describe their interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary projects, which include participatory research, public engagement, and publications in open journals and other digital platforms. We will discuss whether their intellectual production and community involvement count towards their scholarship, and how they envision it in the 21st century.
When you register, you will receive a Zoom link via email. For more information, email Berenice at