Thursday, April 18, 2024 | 11:30 am - 1:00 pm | Zoom
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Sukie Kim and Inma Zanoguera (CUNY Humanities Alliance Fellows at BMCC)
Humanities Alliance Fellows Sukie Kim and Inma Zanoguera will facilitate a discussion under the theme of “teaching in a time of turmoil”—teaching during politically divisive and polemical times. We are curious to see how these themes/discussions might come up in classrooms and how faculty have responded to such challenges. With the aim of grounding the discussion, we offer two readings authored within the CUNY system in recent months: “Teaching Amidst Turmoil” and “A Response to Teaching Amidst Turmoil.” We will also offer a few minutes during discussion to read through and/or refresh thoughts around the texts.
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