Friday, January 13, 2023 | 10:00 am - 12:00 pm | Zoom
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John Beaumont (Academic Literacy and Linguistics)
Hollis Glaser (Speech, Communications, and Theatre Arts)
benjamin haas (Speech, Communications, and Theatre Arts)
Is grading your most stressful and least favorite task? Would you like to reduce the amount of time you spend talking with students about grading? Increase how often you and your students talk about learning? Looking for ways to enact equity and freedom for you and your students in your courses?
BMCC’s Open Education Program is offering a 3-session “unseminar” for faculty interested in ungrading an assignment and/or course. Ungrading aims to center student learning by reducing the use of traditional, quantified grading in favor of methods such as low-stakes tasks, written and spoken feedback from the instructor and/or student peers, and various approaches to student reflection, self-assessment, and even self-grading.
The ungrading group will meet on 3 Fridays in January. Meetings will be facilitated by three BMCC faculty members with different approaches to ungrading, and will include individual working time and group discussion. During the three sessions, participants will develop a revised syllabus and/or assignment(s) incorporating ungrading to introduce to students in the spring semester.
Fridays, January 6, 13, and 20
10am-12pm on Zoom
Participants are encouraged to attend all three sessions, if possible.
Register here and you will receive a Zoom link via email. For more information, email cetls@bmcc.cuny.edus.