We want our students to feel successful, graduate, and become lifelong learners. The idea behind FYE is simple: improve student experience, help students feel that they belong at BMCC, and help students navigate the college experience, thus increasing retention.
In celebration of Open Teaching Week, this week's blog post consists of a series of video tours of BMCC classes taught on Blackboard and the Openlab. Learn how your colleagues are engaging students and creating community online in both in-person and asychronous classes.
If we want students to believe in themselves and in BMCC, and if we want students to believe that the assigned coursework is important, we must first create a learning community. My experience has taught me that this community should resemble a (happy) family: we don’t always agree with one another, but we know that our voice matters, that it will be heard.
Email us at commonshelpsite@gmail.com so we can respond to your questions and requests. Please email from your CUNY email address if possible. Or visit our help site for more information: