Teaching and Learning

Course Tour: Tim Leonard’s ACR 200

Start Open Teaching Week with this 6-minute video course tour!

Course Tour Summary

The video provides an overview of some of the basic structures of this course. While it is scheduled as a synchronous course, I have added several asynchronous elements to allow for continued communication, conversation, and connection throughout the week. First, I use Remind as one of my modes of communication (I gave a tour of Remind in a previous blog post). This allows me to send reminders and answer questions throughout the week. On the day of class, I use Remind (with a crosspost in Blackboard) to send students the interactive agenda for the day. This is a Google doc that provides students with an agenda that is first presented as an overview and then broken down by specific components. Links are provided to different source materials, other collaborative google docs, and specific assignments, as needed. In class, I use breakout rooms to encourage small group discussion and often have students record responses on a Google doc so that we can look at the big picture, see connections, and make thinking visible. To keep our community connected, I use Perusall for collaborative annotations and I record short videos using Loom to address any specific or anticipated questions.

Questions about the course can be posted under “Leave a Reply” below.

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