Adele Kudish is an Associate Professor in the English Department. Her first book, The European Roman d'Analyse: Unconsummated Love Stories from Boccaccio to Stendhal, was published by Bloomsbury Academic in 2020. She is working on a new project about literary representations of women's labor in the garment industry in interwar Paris, London, Berlin, and New York.

Amy received her PhD in Sociology from the New School for Social Research. Her research focuses on memorialization of atrocity and violence. She teaches sociology at BMCC and is leading a faculty professional development program to develop learning communities for the BLA.

Angela M. Elbanna is a Lecturer in the Speech, Communication, and Theatre Arts Department. She holds a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Psychology from Wayne State University and a Master’s of Science in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages from The City College of the City University of New York. As a staunch supporter of open pedagogy and open educational resources, Prof. Elbanna edited the Speech department’s OER textbook, Start Here, Speak Anywhere: Empowering Our Voices for a Global Audience as well as authoring two chapters herself. She serves as the BMCC Speech Department’s Open Pedagogical and Educational Resources Archive Manager.

Anna Victoria Rondon is an Industry Specialist for the CIS department at BMCC. As an Industry Specialist, Anna develops partnerships with employers to facilitate paid opportunities to students majoring in Computer Information Systems, Computer Science, Computer Network Technology.

Professor Anthony Bishop is the Instructional Design Librarian at BMCC.

Antoinette DeLuca has been serving the BMCC community for close to 10 years. She holds a Doctorate in Psychology (Psy.D.) and is presently faculty in the Department of Social Sciences, Human Services & Criminal Justice. She frequently teaches courses in
Introduction to Psychology, Social Psychology, Psychology of Personality, Developmental Psychology, Psychology of Women, Child Psychology, and Abnormal Psychology.

Benjamin Haas is an Associate Professor of Speech Communciation and Theatre Arts. They have been at BMCC since 2013 , and have been a part of numerous campaigns fighting for a better world.

Berenice Darwich teaches Spanish in the Modern Languages Department at BMCC.

Bertie is a professor of Theatre at BMCC and at The Graduate Center, CUNY. She received her Ph.D. in Theatre and Performance from The Graduate Center (CUNY), an M.A. in Performance Studies from the Tisch School of the Arts, New York University, a B.A. in Theatre from Yale University, and attended the Jacques Lecoq International Theatre School in Paris from 1996-1997. Her research interests are in contemporary performance and curating practices, in particular immersive, participatory, site based performance, and urban dramaturgies. She is interested in live art practices that engage spectators in challenging preconceived notions of what theatre is and can be, as well as in interdisciplinary performance historiographies. Ferdman’s most current research focuses on the relationship between the concept of authenticity and the actor’s work.

I have taught the economic history of the United States, women in the economy, and macroeconomic theory. In addition, I have written a few biographies and a textbook on women in the economy. I am currently a part-time faculty member and OER Advocate in the Department of Social Sciences, Human Services, and Criminal Justice at BMCC.

Boyda Johnstone is an Assistant Professor in the Department of English at BMCC. She completed her PhD at Fordham University in 2017 and has published on a range of topics in medieval and early modern literature and drama. She has also participated in public humanities scholarship and feminist activism as part of Hook & Eye, a Canadian feminist academic blog.

Brett Whysel is a full-time lecturer in the Business Management Department. He teaches Managerial Decision-Making (Writing Intensive), Introduction to Finance, and Financial Management, all asynchronously and in-person. He also coordinates an apprenticeship program with a large bank. He has been teaching at BMCC since 2019.

Brianne Waychoff is Associate Professor of Speech, Communications, and Theatre Arts at BMCC. She wrote the GWS curriculum, along with Professor Amy Sodaro, and Co-Coordinates the program. She served as co-chair of Women’s HerStory Month for many years and does many other things you can read about on her faculty page.

Catherine Mbewe received her Master of Science in Adult Health Nursing from Lehman College, CUNY and is currently an Assistant Professor in the BMCC Nursing Department. She teaches senior-level nursing students on the verge of becoming Registered Nurses (RNs). She believes that faculty can greatly impact the experiences that students have. The first step involves faculty honoring and acknowledging their own unique experiences and using that as a bridge to engage with students.

The Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship (CETLS) is a faculty-driven center that serves the BMCC community by providing a forum for faculty to develop as teachers and scholars and to serve as pedagogical leaders. CETLS fosters cross-disciplinary dialogue about pedagogy and scholarship, and provides opportunities for faculty professional development.

I am an AI language model created by OpenAI, trained on a diverse range of internet text to respond to a variety of questions and provide information on a wide range of topics. I am designed to generate human-like text based on the input I receive.

Chris Vinsonhaler earned her Ph.D. at the University of Iowa after two decades as a professional storyteller and arts-in-education consultant. Her scholarship in medieval studies focuses on Beowulf. She teaches in BMCC's Department of English.

Christina teaches in BMCC's Department of Speech, Communications, and Theatre Arts.

Professor Christopher Lopez is the Student Success Librarian here at BMCC. He runs the Library Peer Ambassador program and the workshop series, Digital Horizons, that focuses on digital literacy.

Craig Nielsen is an Adjunct College Fluency and OER Librarian at BMCC. In addition to OER/ZTC, he works as an assistant researcher on the IMLS-funded "College Fluency Capacity Building" grant and supports the BMCC Library's various Open Knowledge initiatives, including the BMCC Zine Library and the Library Podcast Booth.

Danesh teaches in the department of Academic Literacy and Linguistics at BMCC.

Darryl E. Brock is an Assistant Professor of Latino Studies at BMCC. He received his Ph.D. in Latin American History from Fordham University and M.A. in history from Claremont Graduate University. His forthcoming monograph Botanical Monroe Doctrine and American Empire: The Scientific Survey of Puerto Rico traces the role of Puerto Rican colonial scientists in advancing modernity on the island, and also explores the origins of cultural nationalism in Puerto Rico.

Elisabeth Jaffe is an Assistant Professor in the Mathematics Department. She is helping develop the corequisite class MAT 206.5. She embraces the philosophy at BMCC that every student can learn and that everyone is a lifetime learner.

Elizabeth Whitney was a 2015-2016 Fulbright Scholar at University of Turku in Finland, researching arts funding and freedom of expression. Her continued work in Finland on creative responses to the growing threat of nationalism has been funded by the CUNY Research Foundation and a BMCC Faculty Development Grant. Other CUNY awards include the Faculty Fellowship Publication Program and a collaborative C3IRG Grant.

Ewa Barnes is a full-time lecturer in the Academic Literacy and Linguistics Department, where she teaches ACR and CRT. She started her undergraduate studies at a community college, and strongly believes in BMCC's motto: "Start Here. Go Anywhere."

Gina the director of BMCC's Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship (CETLS). Before coming to BMCC in 2016, Gina was a founder and co-director of Hunter's Academic Center for Excellence in Research and Teaching, a faculty member at Marymount College, a research scientist at the University of Washington, and a tenant organizer in subsidized housing in San Francisco. Gina holds a Master's in Social Welfare from the University of California, Berkeley and a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Colorado, Boulder.

Glenn Miller teaches in the mathematics department. He earned his EdD at Columbia University’s Teachers College. His research interests include fractal analysis of market pricing systems, assessment of student learning outcomes in Introductory Statistics, and student learning styles.

Hollis Glaser received her Ph.D. in Organizational Communication from the University of Illinois. Her research area is democratic organizing and is currently studying shared governance in higher education. She teaches public-speaking and small group communication at BMCC.

Holly Messitt is an associate professor in the English department where she teaches courses in composition and poetry. She is also co-editor of the Inquirer and a co-coordinator of BMCC’s Writing Across the Curriculum program. For the next two years, she will also be co-chair of BMCC’s Middle States Self-Study.

Jason is an Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice at BMCC, and former fourth-generation NYPD officer. He is a NYS Master Instructor and Evaluator, member of ACJS, and certified 9/11 first responder. His academic interests involve criminal justice education, policing, and federal intervention and reform of police departments.

Jason Schneiderman earned an MFA from New York University and a fellowship from the Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown, Massachusetts. He is the author of the poetry collections Sublimation Point (2004) and Striking Surface (2010), winner of the 2009 Richard Snyder Publication Prize from Ashland Poetry Press. He teaches in the English department at BMCC.

jean amaral, open knowledge librarian and associate professor, partners with faculty across disciplines to create active and engaging learning experiences for students through open knowledge practices, such as open educational resources and Wikipedia edit-a-thons. Having taught information literacy, as well as literature and composition, for several years, amaral strives for student-centered learning experiences with a focus on asset pedagogies including culturally sustaining and trauma informed pedagogy and universal design for learning.

Jennifer is a linguistic anthropologist who researches language, discourse, race, and identity in the urban United States. She received her Ph.D. in Anthropology from American University, with a concentration in Race, Gender, & Social Justice. She is currently an assistant professor in BMCC's Department of Academic Literacy and Linguistics.

Jessica Levin is the Experiential Learning & Study Abroad Manager at BMCC. She works to help our students go abroad through BMCC faculty-led programs and other CUNY schools. She has also partnered with CETLS and the E-Learning Center to bring Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) to our campus community. Jessica received an M.A. in Middle Eastern Studies from the Graduate Center and studied abroad in Buenos Aires and Jerusalem.

John Beaumont is a professor and deputy chair in the Academic Literacy and Linguistics Department at BMCC.

Kar Rosen is the Lab Manager at BMCC’s Makerspace. They maintain the day to day running of the physical space, as well as running the social media and creating content for the virtual space.

Kathleen Offenholley is a Professor of Mathematics at BMCC (Borough of Manhattan Community College). She is passionate about using all different modes of learning in her classes, from traditional lecture to data collection and experimentation, to games. Her research interests include online learning, equity issues, and game-based learning. She was featured a few years back on the pages of the CUNY math blog, talking about quilting, karate, and games.

Katy Anastasi is an Open Educational Resources (OER) Adjunct for the BMCC library and a student at the Graduate School of Library and Information Studies at Queens College. She works to promote BMCC's Zero-Textbook Cost (ZTC) program by supporting faculty members who use OER and zero-cost resources in their classes.

Laurie Lomask is assistant professor of Spanish in the Modern Languages Department at BMCC. She teaches language and literature with an emphasis on movement and dance.

Lisa Panzera is the Director of the Shirley Fiterman Art Center at BMCC. Lisa was previously Senior Director at Fergus McCaffrey Gallery in Chelsea, and has also held curatorial positions at multiple institutions, including Fondazione Prada and the Guggenheim Museum. She has a PhD in art history from the Graduate Center, CUNY.

Margaret Carson is an Associate Professor in the Modern Languages Department.

Maria Alvarez is a veteran journalist and feature news writer in New York City. She is a freelance reporter for Newsday. She was also a former staff writer with the New York Post, where she covered city hall, city, state and federal courts and breaking national and international stories. She was also a staff reporter at the Hartford Courant and the Boston Globe. At BMCC, she teaches English composition and literature as well as journalism news writing and Journalism in the Social Media Age. Maria Alvarez has also taught journalism at Hunter College, Baruch College, York College and Stony Brook University. She received her Master's Degree in journalism at the University of New York.

Gina the director of BMCC's Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship (CETLS). Before coming to BMCC in 2016, Gina was a founder and co-director of Hunter's Academic Center for Excellence in Research and Teaching, a faculty member at Marymount College, a research scientist at the University of Washington, and a tenant organizer in subsidized housing in San Francisco. Gina holds a Master's in Social Welfare from the University of California, Berkeley and a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Colorado, Boulder.

Mike DeStefano teaches in the English Department, focused primarily on ENG 101. He's been at BMCC since 2016.

Mindi Reich-Shapiro has worked in the field of early childhood education for over twenty years and has partnered with Lincoln Center Education to bring aesthetic education to teacher educators at both Queens College and Borough of Manhattan Community College. She holds a master’s degree in early childhood education from Queens College and a doctorate in developmental psychology from The Graduate Center, CUNY. She is an Assistant Professor of early childhood education at the Borough of Manhattan Community College.

Mira Zaman joined the faculty at BMCC after completing her doctorate in English at Fordham University in 2019. Mira’s research interests focus on deceit, satanic persuasion, and representations of the devil in eighteenth-century British literature. She founded the Graduate Student and Early-Career Support (GSECS) Committee in the Fall of 2019.

Mohammad Azhar is an Associate Professor in the Computer Information Systems Department at BMCC specializing in Human-Robot Collaboration, AI and Assistive Robotics, Cyber Security and Computer Science Education. His research and projects include numerous NSF, DOE, CUNY and Industry projects. He currently serves as the Principal Investigator of a project funded by the National Science Foundation’s (NSF-HSI) program. As part of the grant, he spearheaded the formation of the BMCC Technology Learning Community. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he organized BMCC’s first virtual “Hackathon,” and later an Ideathon and a STEM Innovation Challenge, where students worked on collaborative, real-world projects for social good in both global, local and BMCC contexts, as well as an internship opportunity for selected students. His latest project is the development of a Computational Thinking Across the Curriculum program for BMCC faculty who want to create learning opportunities that will prepare students for 21st century careers.
CONTACT E: mazhar@bmcc.cuny.edu
W: https://www.bmcc.cuny.edu/faculty/mohammad-azhar/

Nicole Lopez-Jantzen received her doctorate in history from Fordham University in 2012. She joined the BMCC faculty in 2017 as a historian of medieval history. She is also the co-chair of BMCC’s Women’s HerStory Month Committee and a member of the board of the Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship. Nicole seeks to make the teaching of western civilization more inclusive by consistently highlighting the experiences of women, non-elites, and religious minorities.

R. Shane Snipes teaches in the Business Management department at BMCC. As Deputy Chair, degree coordinator, entrepreneurship faculty and mindful education researcher, Shane blends mindset and innovation into his classrooms. He is currently completing his dissertation on how mindfulness impacts entrepreneurial education. He is excited to work with other faculty and discuss how mindfulness can intersect with their education goals.

Rebecca Collier is a professor, a performer, and a filmmaker. She teaches speech and theatre classes here at BMCC and is an OER Advocate in the Department of Speech, Communications, and Theatre Arts.

Satenik is an Assistant Professor in the Criminal Justice Program at Borough of Manhattan Community College

Schneur Zalman Newfield is an Assistant Professor of sociology at BMCC. He earned his PhD in sociology from New York University. His first book, Degrees of Separation: Identity Formation While Leaving Ultra-Orthodox Judaism, will be out in April 2020 from Temple University Press.

Teaches in the Media Arts and Technology department at BMCC.

Tim Leonard is an Assistant Professor in the department of Academic Literacy and Linguistics at BMCC. His academic interests include student motivation and the development of authentic learning communities in which success is attainable for all students

Yuleisy Audain is the Assistant Director of the Urban Male Leadership Academy (UMLA) at Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC), a City University of New York (CUNY) Black Male Initiative project. Yuleisy’s work is focused on increasing retention, graduation, and mentoring.

Yuliya is an Associate Professor in the Health Education Department at BMCC. She has been teaching at BMCC for over 8 years and is the co-coordinator of the Public Health major. Her research interests include vaccination, reproductive health, and environmental health.

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